Business to be

At MIET, in order to coordinate military training, it was created Faculty of Military Training, which included a military training center (MTC) and a military department, according to the MIET website. Studying at the military department of MIET will give students of technical faculties an officer rank and, according to current legislation, transfer to the reserve, that is, exemption from conscription for military service. The UVC will train specialists who, upon completion of 5 years of training, will be required to serve in the army under a contract. Thus, the faculty of military training will solve the problems of both training career officers and reserve officers.

Almost exactly a year ago, the site already wrote about the decree of the Russian government, according to which MIET was included in the list of 37 state universities in the country in which military training centers (MTC). In the same time military and department MIET was included in the list of military education faculties and military departments that will continue to exist at federal state universities. By Resolution of March 6, 2008 (N 152), the government approved the Regulations on military training centers at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, as well as the Regulations on military training faculties (military departments) at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education. And already in the summer of 2008, the new MIET Educational Center recruited two groups of students for training.

The dean of the military faculty of MIET, head of the military department of MIET, Colonel, told the site in detail about the work of the military faculty of MIET, the difference in training and admission to the UVC or the military department, as well as the general rules for conscription into the army for students. Sergey Alexandrovich Kovalev.

— What dictated the decision to create the military faculty of MIET?

— In 2008, on the basis of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2008 No. 275-r, a Military Training Center (MTC) was created at MIET. This structural unit of the university will operate along with the military department of MIET, which existed and exists now. Naturally, these two structures are interconnected, and in order to optimize their activities and streamline the leadership process, in agreement with representatives of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Faculty of Military Training was created.

— What kind of enrollment is planned for the military department and the UVC for the next academic year 2009-2010?

— The number of enrollments is determined by the customer — the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and by their decision in the current year, 2009, will not be changed — neither at the department, nor at the UVC.

— What was the competition like at the UVC last year?

- As you understand, the competition for us is specific - only those who have already practically determined that they can and have a good chance of entering come to us. Therefore, we had a competition of 1.1-1.3 people per place. Of course, some guys were left “overboard”, I especially feel sorry for the newcomers - there were guys from the Cossack regions who were ready for service, but their knowledge was slightly lacking.

— Does admission to UVC come with a dormitory?

— If we are talking about local children, or about children from nearby settlements - Solnechnogorsk, Khimki, etc., then no, they must live at home. Nonresident students entering the UVC program are more likely to get a hostel. The score for obtaining a dormitory is slightly lower, compared, for example, with other applicants from our basic faculty of MP and TC.

— Was there a first intake at UVC in 2008?

— Officially speaking, the first one. But before that, for two years already we had been recruiting students for training within the framework of the Federal program “Reforming the military education system in the Russian Federation for the period until 2010” under a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It was an experimental program, but a UVC program. Therefore, we can say that we smoothly moved from the existing situation to the official functioning of the UVC. The system is already working: the first students have been studying at our educational center for the 3rd year.

— Is training at the UVC designed for 4 years?

— Let’s formulate it more precisely: students study at MIET, at the Faculty of MP and Technical Engineering, receive a state diploma precisely for mastering this MIET program, and the UVC, as well as the military department, is additional training - the application of their civilian specialty to military requirements. Apart from individual preferences, practically the only differences are that students must make the decision to study at the UVC upon entering MIET, and military training at the UVC is somewhat greater than at the military department, but is fundamentally no different. The training program at the UVC is designed for the first 4 years of study at the university; in the fifth year, we give students the opportunity to undergo pre-graduation practice and pursue a diploma in the civilian specialty for which they are studying.

— After graduating from the institute, must graduates undergo compulsory contract service in the army?

- Yes it is. According to the requirements of paragraph 39 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2008 No. 152, a citizen who has completed military training at a university, in the prescribed manner, enters into a contract for military service with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or other federal executive body, in which federal law provides for military service - for example, with the Federal Security Service, Federal Security Service, etc. Accordingly, having received a diploma, the young man enters into such a contract. The specialty they received at the Faculty of MPiTK MIET is in demand everywhere, as is the military knowledge and skills acquired at the MIET Educational Center.

— So the UVC is for guys who want to make some kind of military career in the future? Do they immediately focus on contract service after college?

- Not necessary. Naturally, we would like the young officer to continue serving after serving the legally required 3 years under his contract. However, no one will prevent him from retiring after the end of his contract and finding application for his knowledge and experience in civilian life. A MIET diploma and experience working in a specialty with the most modern military equipment is a good start in life.

Now in the Armed Forces, in the course of reforms, a personnel training system is being developed in which there is no need to train so-called “specialist” specialists in military universities, especially in complex and knowledge-intensive specialties. It is not economically feasible to maintain an entire program, a staff of combat officers and teachers, expensive equipment and a training fund for the sake of a few people. Therefore, it was decided to create such educational centers at 37 leading universities in the country, which are entrusted with the responsibility of training such specialists. The minimum period of contract service after graduation from the UVC is 3 years, but a young person can sign a contract for 5 or 10 years.

— There is also a clause that instead of contract service, a graduate can financially reimburse the costs of training...

- With this nuance: if he does not complete his studies for some reason - force majeure, the university disappointed him, his studies did not go well. After all, a MIET diploma is not given just like that, for the very fact of entering a university. It is quite difficult to study at MIET faculties, the amount of knowledge given is very large, only hard work will give you the right to receive the coveted diploma and the right to be a real specialist. And if a person leaves, and the state has already spent some money on his education, of course, he must reimburse it.

— When and how does recruitment take place at the UVC?

- You can say - already now, at the beginning of the applicants campaign. Applicants must decide on admission to the UVC before submitting documents. For those wishing to enroll with us, there is one more condition - to pass a military medical commission at the military commissariat. As they say, “The army needs not only smart, but also healthy people.” One of the features of this year’s admissions campaign is that admission will be based on the results of the Unified State Examination. In addition, an applicant can submit documents to several MIET faculties and then see which of the faculties he is admitted to through the competition - and then submit the original documents there. For example, to us. Our specialty is the specialty of the Faculty of MP and TC. We have guys who, perhaps, want to become officers, but do not dare to go to military school for various reasons. They come to us to get an education and the rank of officer, test themselves by serving for 3 years, and then decide whether to connect their future destiny with the army or not.

— When and how is recruitment for the military department going?

— The training itself at the military department begins from the middle of the second year. But already in the second semester of training for freshmen, that is, right now, we conduct a selection process. The guys see our ad, come to us, write applications, and we give them directions for a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. They must undergo a medical examination within six months... True, for some this is not even a year. Now, for example, enrollment for second-year students has already been completed, they will begin studying at the military department in March, but some still come with the results of the medical examination, which they took a whole year. Alas, they were already late. However, it’s really quite difficult to pass a medical examination now. Now this requires a lot of certificates, tests and checks from medical specialists; health issues are very important.

— If enrollment at the military department is limited to two hundred people, and enrollment at MIET this year, as stated, will be more than 700 people only for budget-funded places, does this mean that the military department will have a competition of applicants?

— The competition is small, but, as in the UVC, there is some. Firstly, from the total number of students, let's take away the fair sex. Then, some students cannot pass the medical examination and already know this in advance; someone already has, as people say, a “white ticket” - exemption from military service for medical reasons. Some guys don’t come simply due to reluctance or their frivolity. Those who remain must undergo a medical examination, which also eliminates... For some reason, it is believed that the health requirements for future officers are simpler, but this is by no means true, they are more strict than for privates, because the officer is responsible for the lives of his subordinates. After the medical examination, we conduct testing in physics and mathematics. In terms of physical fitness, it is necessary to pass the standards for conscripts, who, as a rule, pass everything. Of those guys who went through all this, the competition is quite small, about the same as at the UVC. From 5 to 15% of those who want to remain left behind, but what to do...

— What increases to the scholarship do the military department and the UVC give?

— According to the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2007 No. 846, a student studying at the UVC, during the first year of study, receives an additional scholarship in an amount equal to 1.5 times the statutory scholarship amount. During the second year and subsequent years of study, his scholarship will be 3-4 stipend amounts established by law, taking into account academic performance. In addition, a lump sum payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles is issued for the purchase of a special uniform. A student studying at a military department receives 15% of the scholarship amount, and if he has already served in the army, then 25%.

— Are graduates of the military department no longer drafted into the army after graduating from university?

— Since January 1, 2008, there has been a law according to which graduates of military departments who have passed state exams and are certified receive an officer rank and retire to the reserve. They can join the service, but only on a voluntary basis, having concluded a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Yes, those in the reserves can be called up for training for a week or a month, for example, to increase the level of military knowledge, master a new specialty, etc.

— Are the remaining students who do not have a “white ticket” subject to conscription upon completion of their studies at the institute?

- Yes. Those who did not study at the military department will have to serve in the army after graduation. Their service life, like all others, is 1 year. Well, there is a deferment for the duration of your studies.

— It turns out that those who wanted to join the military department, but did not pass the medical examination, can be drafted into the army as privates?

— Yes, because, as I already said, the medical requirements for future officers are more stringent than for soldiers.

— Students from the Faculty of Economics of MIET and the Faculty of Design are now not accepted at all into the military department?

— Yes, the requirements are becoming stricter. For example, you wouldn’t want your son to serve under an incompetent officer who has not mastered weapons and equipment? Therefore, we are forced to weed out economists and designers.

— Do girls go to the military department of MIET or to the UVC?

- Yes, oddly enough, for some reason many girls want to study and study at the military department. And at the MIET Open Day, they approached me with this question... We had cases when girls wrote letters to the Minister of Defense, the President of Russia - now we are studying how many of these girls have reached the leadership of the country, and they were allowed to study. By the way, their girlish perseverance played a role; starting this year, we were allowed to recruit girls to the UVC. Probably in Russia a lot of young representatives of the fair sex have already reached out to the President and the Minister of Defense, and a decision has been made to allocate them a small quota of places.

— The military department, which still remained at MIET after the reforms, gives it an advantage in terms of popularity among applicants and general competition, do you think? After all, many universities have now lost their military departments, and, accordingly, the opportunity for students to resolve the issue of their military service in this way.

— Of course, for a university the presence of a military department is important. This is recognition of the status of MIET, its necessity for the country, its merits, the authority of our teaching staff, our science. Accordingly, this is a recognition of the authority of our Zelenograd.

— Deferment from the army is now a general rule for universities without military departments, but with state accreditation?

— Yes, all such universities provide a deferment for the duration of study. But I must note that you should not go to university for a deferment from the army. You need to go to university in order to gain knowledge and become a specialist.

Elena Panasenko / Photo MIET

Military Training Center (MTC) at the National Research University "MIET" provides full-time training to citizens in the following faculties:

Faculty of Microdevices and Technical Cybernetics (MPiTK),

Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies (ECT).

Training is conducted in the following areas of training:

Radio engineering,

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems.

Citizens enrolled in the UVC are trained as ordinary students of the National Research University MIET, while the main types of studies are determined by the higher education institution.

UVC task is to provide the necessary military component on the general base of knowledge received by citizens through the basic educational program.

Advantages of studying at the UVC:

1. Admission of citizens to the National Research University MIET through a separate competition for targeted enrollment.

2. Providing hostel accommodation for nonresident citizens.

3. Monthly additional stipend:

In an amount equal to 1,5 first years of study;

In an amount equal to 3-4 from the established scholarship within second and subsequent years of education.

4. A one-time payment for the purchase of a special uniform.

5. Citizens receive free civic education.

6. Assignment of the first military rank of officer “lieutenant” upon graduation from National Research University MIET.

7. Guaranteed employment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for officer positions during the validity period of the first contract, receiving a stable high salary.

8. Possibility of purchasing an apartment at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation after three years of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Educational and material base of the Educational Center at the National Research University MIET:

The Faculty of Military Training (FVP) of the National Research University MIET has specialized classrooms for conducting classes in various disciplines. The classrooms are equipped with training versions of the studied weapons and their components, visual aids, interactive whiteboards, computer equipment and other necessary teaching aids. Also at the FVP there is a parade ground, a special class and a parking lot with various types of weapons and military equipment.

Much attention at the FVP is paid to the selection of teaching staff. Officers with higher military and military-special education and military experience are appointed to the FVP. A number of FVP officers have academic degrees and titles.

Requirements for a candidate:

Citizens of the Russian Federation under 24 years of age who have a state document on secondary (complete) education and meet the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract are considered as candidates for training at the Educational Training Center at the National Research University MIET.

Enrollment of citizens in the educational center at the National Research University MIET for targeted training in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is carried out by the admissions committee of the National Research University MIET in a separate competition based on the results of preliminary selection and entrance tests (unified state exam) established by the National Research University MIET. Candidates who have successfully passed the tests and entered into an agreement to study under the military training program and to further perform military service under a contract after graduating from a higher educational institution are enrolled in the National Research University MIET and at the same time in the UVC by order of the rector.



To all 1st COURSE students who wish to study at the military department for training programs for reserve officers and sergeants, necessary:

  1. Arrive IVP) during from March 25 to April 18, 2019 To write an application
  2. From April 18 to May 30, 2019, submit photocopies one sheet, one sheet four photos 3x4
  3. Get to IVP direction IN VK) not later than May 30, 2019
  4. Pass the IN VK PPO card Bring documents from VK during the period from September 1 to November 29, 2019
  5. Bring copy of the test books for 2nd semester with ratings + first spread with photo until November 29, 2019
  6. Be ready to pass standards By FISO V September-October
  1. The first four tests indicated in the referral (blood test, urine test, ECG, fluorography) are taken at the clinic at the place of residence or at the place of temporary registration (for those living in a dormitory).
  2. With these tests, come to the VK to undergo the VVC at the Zelenograd VK reception on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 10.00 ). Remember that VVC doctors may refer you for additional (repeated) tests.
  3. Provide to IVP PPO card And IHC conclusion(must be on the back of these documents official seal military commissariat and categories suitability).
  4. Orphans And children of military personnel , and served in the RF Armed Forces , enjoy the right preferential admission (certificates of a military personnel, veteran of the RF Armed Forces, military pensioner of the RF Armed Forces, etc.)

A copy of the grade book, PPO card and VVC results after November 29, 2019 will not be accepted.


To all students 2 courses,
those wishing to study at , necessary:

  1. Arrive to the military training institute ( IVP) during until April 30, 2018 (Monday to Thursday, 9:00-16:00). To write an application

    Hand in photocopies the first two spreads of the registration certificate on one sheet, two spreads of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation ( on one sheet: main spread + registration) and four photos 3x4 without corner, black and white, signed at the back (full name, group).

  1. Get to IVP direction to pass a military medical commission ( IN VK) not earlier than a week later June 1, 2018
  2. Pass the IN VK at the military commissariat at the place of registration (stay). Receive a professional psychological selection card ( PPO card), it is issued at the military commissariat at the place of registration.
  3. Be ready to pass standards By FISO V September-October (standards as for those entering higher military educational institutions for strength, endurance and speed). Standards will be adopted by teachers Department of Physical Education in the presence of representatives of the IVP.
  4. Before October 15, 2018.:
    1. Bring copy of the test books for 4th semester with ratings + first spread with photo.
    2. Provide PPO card And IHC conclusion print military commissariat and categories suitability).
    3. Orphans And children of military personnel , and served in the RF Armed Forces , enjoy the right preferential admission to the military department. They need to bring certificates or photocopies of documents

About passing the military medical commission (MMC):

  1. Provide certificate of passing the Higher Military Examination And PPO card in IVP.


Everyone candidates for admission to master's programs,
those wishing to study at military department for training programs for reserve sergeants, necessary:

  1. Arrive to the military training institute ( IVP) during until July 26, 2018 (Monday to Thursday, 9:00-16:00). To write an application about the desire to study at the military department.

    Hand in photocopies the first two spreads of the registration certificate on one sheet, two spreads of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation ( on one sheet: main spread + registration) and four photos 3x4 without corner, black and white, signed at the back (full name, group).

  1. Get to IVP direction to pass a military medical commission ( IN VK) not earlier than a week later after submitting the application, but not later August 1, 2018
  2. Pass the IN VK at the military commissariat at the place of registration (stay). Receive a professional psychological selection card ( PPO card), it is issued at the military commissariat at the place of registration.
  3. Be ready to pass standards By FISO V September-October (standards as for those entering higher military educational institutions for strength, endurance and speed). Standards will be adopted by teachers Department of Physical Education in the presence of representatives of the IVP.
  4. Before October 15, 2018.:
    1. Bring copy of bachelor's diploma with grades.
    2. Provide PPO card And IHC conclusion(must be on the back of the stamp print military commissariat and categories suitability).
    3. Orphans And children of military personnel , and served in the RF Armed Forces , enjoy the right preferential admission to the military department. They need to bring certificates or photocopies of documents(certificates of a military personnel, veteran of the RF Armed Forces, military pensioner of the RF Armed Forces, etc.).

About passing the military medical commission (MMC):

  1. The first four tests indicated in the referral (blood test, urine test, ECG, fluorography) are performed at the clinic at the place of residence or at the place of temporary registration (for those living in a dormitory).
  2. With these 4 tests, arrive at the VK to undergo the VVK (at the Zelenograd VK, reception for the VVK is on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 10.00). Remember that VVC doctors may refer you for additional (repeated) tests.
  3. Provide certificate of passing the Higher Military Examination And PPO card in IVP.


Attention! 2nd YEAR STUDENTS

Lists of 2nd year MIET students admitted to reserve officer training programs hang on the doors of the military training institute.

03.04.2017 Attention! An additional intake of second-year students has been announced!

To all students2 coursesMIETthose wishing to study
onmilitary department for training programs for reserve sergeants , necessary:

1. Arrive to the military training institute ( IVP) during until July 25 2017 . (Monday to Thursday, 9:00-16:00). To write an application about the desire to study at the military department.

Hand in photocopies the first two spreads of the registration certificate on one sheet and two spreads of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation ( on one sheet: main spread + registration) and two 3x4 photos without corner, black and white, signed at the back (full name, group).

1. Get on IVP direction to pass a military medical commission ( IN VK) not earlier than a week later after submitting the application, but not later August 1, 2017

2. Pass IN VK at the military commissariat at the place of registration (stay). Receive a professional psychological selection card ( PPO card), it is issued at the military commissariat at the place of registration.

3. Provide IHC conclusion(must be on the back of the stamp print military commissariat and categories suitability) and PPO card V IVP before October 6, 2017

4. Before September 15, 2017 . in IVP bring copy of the test books behind 4th semester with grades + first spread with photo (copy of diploma supplement).

5. Be ready to give up standards By FISO in September (standards for strength, endurance and speed as for those entering higher military educational institutions). The standards will be adopted by the teachers of the department physical education in the presence of representatives of the IVP.

6. Orphans And children of military personnel , and those who served in the Armed Forces RF , enjoy the right preferential admission to the military department. They need to bring certificates or photocopies of documents(certificates of a military personnel, veteran of the RF Armed Forces, military pensioner of the RF Armed Forces, etc.) no later than September 15, 2017.

About passing the military medical commission (MMC):
1) The first four tests indicated in the referral (blood test, urine test, ECG, fluorography) are taken at the clinic at the place of residence or at the place of temporary registration (for those living in a hostel).

2) With these 4 tests, arrive at the VK to undergo the VVC
(at the Zelenogradsky VK reception for passing the VVK on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 10.00). Remember that VVC doctors may refer you for additional (repeated) tests.

3) Provide certificate of passing the Higher Military Examination And PPO card in IVP.

22.03.2017 Attention!

Applications for admission to the military department (VC) are accepted only from 1st year students. Applicants first need to enroll at MIET, mainly in one of the technical faculties, and study for the 1st semester before accepting applications for admission to VC!

All 1st year MIET students wishing to study must:

1. to the military training institute ( IVP) until (Monday to Thursday, 9:00-16:00). Write a statement about your desire to study at the military department.
the first two spreads of the registration certificate on one sheet and two spreads of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (on one sheet: main spread + registration) and without a corner, black and white, signed at the back (full name, group).

2. to pass the military medical commission (MMC) no earlier than a week after submitting the application, but no later

3. Pass IN VK at the military commissariat at the place of registration (stay). Receive a professional psychological selection card (PPO card), it is issued at the military commissariat at the place of registration.

4. Provide the conclusion of the IHC(it is necessary to have the official seal of the military commissariat and the fitness category on the back) and a PPO card for the temporary detention facility

5. Before To the IVP, bring a copy of the grade book for the 2nd semester with grades + the first spread with a photo.

6. Be ready to take physical physical education standards in September 2017 (standards for strength, endurance and speed for those entering higher military educational institutions). The standards will be adopted by teachers of the Department of Physical Education in the presence of representatives of the IVP.

7. , and , enjoy the right to preferential admission to the military department. They need to bring certificates or photocopies of documents (identifications of a military personnel, veteran of the RF Armed Forces, military pensioner of the RF Armed Forces, etc.) no later than

About passing the military medical commission (MMC)

1) The first four tests indicated in the referral (blood test, urine test, ECG, fluorography) are taken at the clinic at the place of residence or at the place of temporary registration (for those living in a hostel).

2) With these 4 tests, arrive at the VK to undergo the VVK (at the Zelenogradsky VK, reception for the VVK is on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 10.00). Remember that VVC doctors may refer you for additional (repeated) tests.

3) Provide a certificate of completion of the IVC and a PPO card at the temporary detention facility



Citizens who have expressed a desire to enroll in MIET and, in the process of studying the main educational program, can undergo training in the military training program at the military training center at the National Research University MIET.

To do this you need:

Submit an application to the military commissariat at your place of residence (military registration) or to the Zelenograd OVK. Attached to the application (Articles 6,8,11 of Appendix No. 2 to Joint Order No. 666/249):

    Until May 1 (application deadline may be extended):
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • copy of the document;
  • identification and citizenship;
  • a copy of the document on secondary (complete) general education;
  • three photographs 4.5 x 6.
    Until July 24:
  • Go through preliminary selection at the military commissariat;
  • Receive the candidate’s personal file from the military commissariat for admission to the National Research University MIET for targeted recruitment;
  • Submit the candidate's personal file to the admissions committee of the National Research University MIET (from June 19) On July 30, the citizen is enrolled in the National Research University MIET and for training at the military training center.



Applications for admission to the military department (VC) are accepted only from 1st year students. Applicants first need to enroll at MIET in one of the technical faculties and study for the 1st semester before accepting applications for admission to VC!

All 1st year MIET students wishing to study must:

1. to the Faculty of Military Training ( FVP) until (Monday to Thursday, 9:00-16:00). Write a statement about your desire to study at the military department.
the first two spreads of the registration certificate on one sheet and two spreads of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (on one sheet: main spread + registration) and without a corner, black and white, signed at the back (full name, group).

2. to pass the military medical commission (MMC) no earlier than a week after submitting the application, but no later

3. Pass IN VK at the military commissariat at the place of registration (stay). Receive a professional psychological selection card (PPO card), it is issued at the military commissariat at the place of registration.

4. Provide the conclusion of the IHC(the official seal of the military commissariat and the fitness category are required on the reverse side) and a PPO card on the FVP

5. Before the FVP, bring a copy of the grade book for the 2nd semester with grades + the first spread with a photo.

6. Be ready to take physical physical education standards in September (standards for strength, endurance and speed for those entering higher military educational institutions). The standards will be adopted by teachers of the Department of Physical Education in the presence of representatives of the Faculty of Physics.

7. and also enjoy the right to preferential admission to the military department. They need to bring certificates or photocopies of documents (identifications of a military personnel, veteran of the RF Armed Forces, military pensioner of the RF Armed Forces, etc.) no later than

About passing the military medical commission (MMC)

1) The first four tests indicated in the referral (blood test, urine test, ECG, fluorography) are taken at the clinic at the place of residence or at the place of temporary registration (for those living in a hostel).

2) With these 4 tests, arrive at the VK to undergo the VVK (at the Zelenogradsky VK, reception for the VVK is on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 10.00). Remember that VVC doctors may refer you for additional (repeated) tests.

3) Provide a certificate of completion of the IVC and a PPO card to the FVP



1st and 2nd year students of all MIET faculties who wish to transfer to the Faculty of MPiTK for targeted training at the Military Training Center (MCC)!

Arrive to the Faculty of Military Training (FVP) during the period until September 25, 2014 for a conversation in room 3314(reception from Monday to Friday, 9:00-16:00).

    Advantages of studying at the UVC:
  1. Training in the direction of the Faculty of MPiTK
  2. Additional military training
  3. Additional military scholarship for all students
  4. Employment in the civil service in law enforcement agencies upon completion of training


Master's students who will enter MIET in 2017 have a unique opportunity to undergo military training at the military department of the university. Along with the diploma, they will be able to receive a military ID and the military rank of reserve sergeant.
Master's students of the 1st year of study are admitted to the competitive selection for the military department, with the exception of female master's students.
To participate in the competitive selection, candidates for admission to the master's program submit applications to the MIET admissions committee to a representative of the military training institute by July 25, 2017.
Until August 1, 2017, candidates for admission to the master's program who have expressed a desire to undergo military training under reserve sergeant training programs receive directions to undergo a medical examination in order to determine suitability for military service and conduct professional and psychological selection. Submit photocopies of the first two spreads of the registration certificate on one sheet and two spreads of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (on one sheet: main spread + registration) and two 3x4 photographs without a corner, black and white, signed at the back (full name, group).
Before October 6, 2017, undergo a military medical examination at the military commissariat at the place of registration (stay). Receive a professional psychological selection card, it is issued at the military commissariat at the place of registration. Provide the conclusion of the military medical commission (the official seal of the military commissariat and the fitness category are required on the back side) and a professional psychological selection card for the military training institute.
Before September 15, 2017, a copy of the diploma supplement must be submitted to the military training institute. Be ready to pass physical fitness standards in September 2017 (standards for strength, endurance and speed for those entering higher military educational institutions). The standards will be adopted by teachers of the Department of Physical Education in the presence of representatives of the Institute of Military Training.
Orphans and children of military personnel, as well as those who have served in the RF Armed Forces, enjoy the right to preferential admission to the military department. They need to bring certificates or photocopies of documents (identifications of a military personnel, veteran of the Russian Armed Forces, military pensioner of the Russian Armed Forces, etc.) no later than September 15, 2017.

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