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How do the souls of the dead communicate with the living?

In the first days after separation from the body, the soul communicates with its native places and meets with deceased loved ones, or rather, with their souls. In other words, he communicates with what was precious in earthly life. She has a new wonderful ability - spirituality.

Is sorrel good for the body?

I'm so happy about this! It is much tastier than the one sold in supermarkets in winter. And much healthier. I already wrote that I really love green smoothies and often make them, using a wide variety of greens for these purposes. So, I would never

Soft wheat grains

Wheat m'yaka Triticum aestivum L., Tritiom vulgare Vill Cereal (poagrass) family - Gramineae Historical background. Wheat - one of the oldest cultivated plants - was known to the ancient peoples of Europe, Asia, and North Africa already in the era

Eastern zodiac horoscope: Goat – Taurus

Character of Goat "Sheep" - Taurus men: These men are characterized by increased emotionality. They see their purpose in helping others. While helping others, they actively work internally and this is not always “clean” work. Very often they are susceptible to negativity

Signs over Obama.  Signs of the Antichrist.  Antichrist in Islam

“Let no one deceive you in any way: for that day will not come, until a falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits in the temple of God as God,

Suicidal behavior: signs, ways to prevent Suicide manifestation

The topic of suicide two decades ago was not widely discussed among ordinary people, but the problem of suicide has existed at all times and among all nationalities. The term “suicide” is understood as an independent, in most cases voluntary

How to select professional staff?

Numerical tests are tasks based on the need for calculations - from basic mathematics and arithmetic to complex problems involving dozens of steps. The variety of numerical tests is explained by the need to evaluate applicants for different areas of business, should

I got sick before the IV puncture, what should I do?

One of the most discussed and questionable procedures in IVF treatment is follicle puncture. This is one of the mandatory activities that every girl undergoes during the protocol. Many married couples, doing artificial conception for the first time, having learned

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